Zoning and Land Use
We Provide Guidance and Legal Services Related to Commercial and Residential Real Estate Development
We represent developers in all phases of real estate development, including new construction, renovation and conversion of existing structures, and the acquisition of investment property. Our attorneys provide guidance and legal services across the entire spectrum of legal issues related to commercial and residential real estate development, including:
Acquisition of land and buildings
Zoning, land use, and environmental regulations
Construction-related contract negotiations
Contract dispute resolution
Tax abatements
Construction and permanent financing
Drafting of governing documents for residential, commercial, and recreational communities
End sales
We also represent condominium associations in the withdrawal of undeveloped land, as well as in the extension and/or revival of unused development rights – a process that allows a community to sell the land and/or development rights outright to a new developer. These transactions, where feasible, are a financial boon for a condominium community and are always tremendously satisfying for the attorneys involved.