Developer Transition
A Strong Start Can Make all the Difference
Having experienced, skilled, knowledgeable, and zealous counsel when transitioning from developer control is crucial to the future success and viability of any community association. A strong start can make all of the difference. If an association transitions and is saddled with common area defects or is underfunded from inception, the road to economic recovery can be very difficult if not impossible. Most developers have sophisticated advisers, have developed multiple properties, and know more than the unit owners who likely have never been involved with a transition, or the myriad of complicated issues that can arise during this period.
There is no need to recreate the wheel or learn on the fly. MEEB has been representing condominium and homeowner associations with regard to complex issues that arise during the transition of an association from developer to unit owner control since 1993 and we can guide your association through the transition no matter what turns and twists there are. Our attorneys understand the process of transition, understand the importance of building a knowledgeable team of experts, and most importantly, understand what you as a client want and need to achieve.