We believe that effective representation of our condominium clients involves more than providing solid legal advice; it also requires helping to shape the legislation and regulations affecting them.  That’s why members of our firm devote hundreds of hours of volunteer time to working with CAI and CAI-New England to protect the interests of condominium communities.

Two of our partners head the Massachusetts and Rhode Island Legislative Action Committees (LACs), which track pending legislative and regulatory proposals, develop industry responses to them, educate lawmakers and regulators, and make sure the views of the condominium industry are fairly represented and clearly understood.  A LEGACY OF SUCCESSFUL ACTION:

At MEEB, we are proud of the landmark victories we have secured over the years to constantly improve the lives of our clients and the laws which affect them.

  • Stephen Marcus was instrumental in securing passage of Massachusetts’ priority lien law for condominiums.

  • Stephen and other members of the firm also had a hand in the approval of legislation expanding the power of condominium associations to grant easements and preserve development rights. 

  • Richard Brooks has worked tirelessly to persuade cities and towns to provide the same municipal trash collection services to condominiums they provide to single-family homes.  As a result of his efforts, 27 Massachusetts condominiums no longer have to self-fund those services. 

At the national level, members of the firm participated in CAI’s successful effort to amend the bankruptcy reform legislation to preserve the right of condominium associations to enforce their priority lien and collect common area fees after a bankruptcy filing.  

More recently, we worked with CAI to secure revisions in the proposed bankruptcy “cram down” legislation clarifying that condominium fees would not be included among the homeowners’ debts that bankruptcy judges would have the authority to reduce.